Our Home Inspection Services
Home Inspections to Fit Your Needs
Pre-Purchase Inspections, Pre-Listing Inspections, Partial Inspections, One-Year Walk-Through Inspections, Thermal Imaging, and 5/10 year Maintenance Inspections.
Pre-Purchase Home Inspections
Pre-Listing (Seller) Inspections
Selling Your Home? Then have your home pre-inspected and make sure your transaction goes smoother and faster.
Thermal Imaging
Radon Testing
Radon is a radioactive gas that causes more deaths in the US than house fires. contact us to professionally test your home.
About Our Inspection Services
Pre Purchase Inspections
The pre-purchase home inspection is scheduled by the purchaser or purchaser’s real estate agent based on the contract requirements.
This home inspection is for the purchaser of an existing home that wants to know the condition of the property in order to make an informed decision prior to finalizing the contract.

Pre Sale/Pre Listing Home Inspection
The Pre-Sale home inspection is for homeowners and listing agents that are preparing to present the house for sale and are interested in knowing the present condition of the home.
This home inspection will uncover any major problems that need to be corrected. This will allow the sale of the home to proceed smoothly without any last minute glitches due to the house condition.

Partial Inspection
The partial home inspection is for the owner of a property that has a concern with the functioning of a particular system or systems and would like professional direction on the repair or upgrading of the concern.
It could be a concern with a roof problem, leaking basement, electrical issue, etc. A partial home inspection covers a minimum of two systems.

One Year Walk Through
The one year walk through home inspection is conducted as a punch list type inspection for purchases of new homes. The new homes are normally approaching their warranty expiration date and need to have any remaining builder deficiencies corrected.
This home inspection is normally conducted prior to the scheduled appointment with the builder’s representative. This home inspection includes all 8 categories.

Five/Ten Year Maintenance Inspection
This home inspection can uncover maintenance and safety issues that the owners may not be aware of. It can also allow the homeowner to prioritize their remodeling efforts. Inspection covers all 8 systems.
A house is an ever-changing environment. Plumbing leaks develop, toilets loosen, wiring shorts, roofing wears out, masonry deteriorates, grading settles, improper repairs are executed, etc.
Most safety agencies recommend having professional home inspection services approximately every 5 years after you’ve moved into a home.

Thermal Imaging
Thermal imaging is one of the best ways to find issues that would otherwise be missed from a strictly visual home inspection,
While thermal imaging can’t see through walls, it can see temperature differentials that help us identify issues.
Those issues includes plumbing leaks, roof issues, missing insulation, potentially hazardous electrical conditions, and more.

Radon Gas Testing
According to the EPA, radon kills more people every year than house fires. It is also the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Radon is even more dangerous because it is colorless, odorless, and can only be detected with professional means.
Contact us and make sure that you have your home professionally tested. Whether you are buying, selling, or already own your home – a professional radon test is critical.